Monday, 23 September 2013

Algy's Demise - Goin' Home...

Now before you all fall about laughing, yes I am a fan of The Osmond Brothers and a song of theirs has been ringing in my head since I woke up with morning. The chorus especially!

"Goin' home, goin' home, goin' home,
I gotta make it, gonna make it all right.
Goin' home, goin' home, goin' home
If it takes the rest of my life........"

The lyrics sum up the journey so far very well. And it is only so far too as Algy and I will always be together. He might be fried but how effective that will be, no one will know for years yet and he can never be removed unless he decides to ignore six weeks of protons being fired through him, or take in a cousin (2% chance) in the next little while and try to occupy more space. If that happens, at the very least it will not be pleasant because the little bugger is quite close to the brain stem. 

We leave for Penzance tonight at 7pm but will spend the day quietly tidying up, having a last look about the Goldborne Road area where I have been residing these last few weeks, and I'll try not to think too much about the near wiping out of my credit card and overdraft that has occurred. It has been a blast here in London and treatment aside, I have had a great time with being lucky not to be so ill I couldn't get out and about. However, I wonder if the side effects had been worse whether it would have been as much fun?

So this is going to be one of those *huge* long 'Hollywood - overrun - at - the - Oscars - thank you' posts, because there are *so* many to thank, in groups, indiviuals and I *know* I'm gonna forget someone but please if you're not on the list, don't fret. I am *so* grateful to you for making what could have been a dreadful time actually go very well!

*Loud intro and drum roll*!

My grateful thanks to (in no particular order) -

My Darling Dave, My baby bro Trevor, Lowri, Bethan, Nathan, John, Tina, Margaret, Duncan, Anne, Duncan Jr, Peter. Mum & Dad.Anthony and Tricia, Gordon and Gladys
Margie and Robert Hall
Veronica Taylor and The New Freedom Project
Debbie Carter @DebbieCarter14
Sarah Tarmey @tarmeygal1
Claire Siliciano @Science_Fan
Gilly Henwood @Gillyh1
Margo Milne @MargoJMilne
Misa Buckley @MisaBuckely
Claire Bullimore @BrainTumourAunty
Eileen Bullimore @pillionqueeen
Alana Herd @MyMillionToOne
Ben Miller @ActualBenMiller
Philip Ardagh @PhilipArdagh
Gary Carr @iamgarycarr
Elizabeth Bourgine @lizbourgine
Danny John-Jules @DannyJohnJules
Beth Allan @BethAllen
Cappie @Cappiehead
Jo DeLapo @agitator76
Nathalie Martin @NanyLouloute
Sabine @Gracie_22
Steffi @St3ffi_K 
Hils @HilsP
Manuela @manuzanni
Jodie @sunshine_6972
Kim Agaren @kikiagar
Michaela C @FiveFrogsBlog
Yasmina Sihel @YasminaSihel
Kaz Poole
Cafe Roma
The Crown - Marsden.
Jullie Liddle
Katrina Peirce
Chris and Jenny Smirthwaite
Pearl Ashton @pearlashton
Ann Coles at Hammer Out
Shane and Timothy Spall @pastafa
All at The Royal Marsden, Fulham Road inc Katheryn and all on Lederman.
Mr James Patterson FRSC FRCN
Glad Baldrey RN BSc CNS Neuro-Oncology
Dr Jan Power, Dr Hugh Marshall Rosmellyn Surgery
Shirley Harris, Matron, West Cornwall Hospital
All at West Cornwall Hospital, Penzance
All at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth
All at Hammer Out Brain Tumours
All at Brainstrust
All at Meningioma UK
All at The Brain Tumour Charity
Shaun Skinner
Nick Phillips
Simon Reed @aramblingidiot
Mike Sagar-Fenton
Julian Greenwood-Penny
All at The Cornishman @The|Cornishman
Marilyn King
Jan O Malley
Cameron Yarde Jr. @CameronYardeJr
Alexander Armstrong @XanderArmdstrong
Alison and Dave Trace @aligubbs
Pamela Sutherland @Ltd_To_Two
Poor Old Bird @pooroldbird
S A Meade @kestrelrising
Jon Parker-Saville @FutureGuy75541
Lindsay Pickering and Peter Routley
Andre Haines and Gregory Watters
Rev. Julyan Drew @pronterjools
Chris Steadman @ChrisDSteadman
Susie Tait and the Monday Slimming World group.
Elizabeth Reknowden
Heather Anne Stewart-Gillis
Marla Kaye
Geraint Wyn Davies and Claire Lautier
Bea Quindlen
Susan Doss
Astrid Tanabet
Mary Strowger
Marg Yamanaka
Lee Kennedy
Chris Chell-Czerwinski
Maribel Veal
Gill and David Dodson
Jan Crocker
Roseanna and John Bray
Elizabeth and Eric Bray
The *entire* congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Helston, Cornwall for all the cards, pressies, choccy *and* for feeding my C of E hubby Dave!
Wayne Brown @Eroica3
Christina Logan @LoganTinaLogan
Emma @Realsinginmouse
Sophie Hay @pompei79
Lesley Roberts
Marion Pitman
Kerry Endecotte
Dale Who
Sarah Jane
Kathleen Ginieres
Dawn Fidler and Josh @JourneyJoshuas 
Stephen Rodda
Denise Raphael Hopkins
Sarah Clarke @AcSarahAC
Everyone involved at @ArmadaCon

And of course, the whole bleddy population of Penzance!

My time with Algy is far from over, as said before but one thing you can be sure of though. It doesn't matter if you can only send a tweet, wish, word, thought, etc. IT COUNTS! IT HELPS! *ALL* OF IT!! Never let anyone try and tell you otherwise. The fact someone cares enough to make even the smallest of gestures can mean so much. I have been and continue to be so very blessed and lucky during all of this, to be around those who have given me so much support and continue to do so, to encourage, bouy up and give a good kick in the pants when needed. But I am very heartbroken to say that there are those out there who have no one to lean on, who have been all but abandoned by their families and friends who cannot deal with the 'C' word, or the fact the person affeced cannot function as they used to. That happens a lot and it is shameful to say the least.  

For those out in the media, one word, one RT on twitter makes all the difference as well because people *will* and *do* take notice. And if that's just one other person who maybe curious to read further, or who might be finding themselves starting this journey or who are affected by it an any way who can be reached, then it's worth it.

So thank you to everyone from the bottom of my heart. The journey continues and so must I.



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